ße: Yo!You weren't kidding man
µß: about?
ße: this Tex thingy
µß: latex?
ße: yeah.It does give out some awesome results.
µß: It does.. but barring for equations, Microsoft Word does give it a run for its money in capable hands
ße: I have to agree.
µß: Used and configured rightly, u can do everything latex does, in MS word and quite faster, than that
ße: I've seen that happen
µß: little quirks with MS word u need to get used to
but once u do,it's all fine.I prefer 'wysiwyg' editors
can't 'think' using latex -it is almost like programming your document
ße: I might take a stab at it
µß: u should
ße: somehow am attracted to latex :)
µß: i have no choice.My prof likes latex.
ße: That's kinky ;).Hope mine doesn't.
µß: "LaTeX"if that helps.Yours will go for spandex
ße: ..and why do they pronounce it 'la-tek'?
µß: Probably the chaps who came up with it wanted to distinguish it from the dirtier options.
ße: I prefer 'latex', though.
µß: I'm sure.