Friday, May 8, 2009

On casting ouches

One of the 'loves' that µß and I share is comics - both are avid Batman fans (for the uninitiated, this is a comic character who dresses up in a weird scary costume and scares the p*ss outta muggers, robbers, drug-peddlers, smugglers, children, kryptonians, speedsters etc). µß and I discuss the Batman movie franchise.
- ßε

ßε: and while on the topic, michelle pfieffer was a grt catwoman too
the only kirik was she had blonde hair in the movie.
µß: movies deviate from comics a fair bit anyway le. catwoman's a brunette in the books, a short-haired one, for most part.
ßε: but thats ok
some cinematic license is fine
as long as u dont dress up Clooney in a batsuit
for god's sake!
might as well cast Shakti Kapoor* as batman.

(*Indian film actor(?) - ßε)

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