Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On 'action' films

µß: seen '500 days of summer'?
ßε: nope .. old movie?
µß: nopes.. new one. released a few weeks ago.
ßε: hmmm...who's in it?
µß: as always! is it ever abt the storyline?
ßε: ok ok..what's in it?
µß: right.. now that is difficult. nothing in it for you to watch, but should train you a little on how to make the Bus Stop count -an engliss story told the bollywood way. replete with songs, desi cliches and all.
ßε: wonderful !! who's the director? karan johar?
µß: mark webb
ßε: wt*?
µß: know him?
ßε: nope. hence the wt*
ßε: any sizzl... is it good?
µß: the hotness is covered in desi wrappings.
ßε: oh! so they get straight down to the action eh? cool!
µß: remember the 80s movies in India?
ßε: yeah..?
µß: flowers swaying, legs playing under the blankets. censorship mode.
ßε: damn! gotta try that sometime.
µß: at your own risk.

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